Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Pengenalan AutoCAD 2013

Pengertian AutoCAD 2013

AutoCAD merupakan sebuah program CAD ( Computer Aided Design ) yang sangat populer, diciptakan oleh Autodesk Corporation, karena menawarkan berbagai kemudahan dan keunggulan yang bisa mempermudah kerja designer dan drafter dalam memvisualisasikan ide dan gagasannya.

AutoCAD adalah sebuah program aplikasi ( software ) yang digunakan untuk menggambar dan memodifikasi gambar seperti gambar arsitektur, mesin, sipil, elektro dan lain-lain.

Fasilitas yang dimiliki AutoCAD untuk menggambar 2D dan 3D sangat lengkap, sehingga hal ini membawa AutoCAD menjadi program disain terpopuler dibandingkan dengan program-program yang lain.

Tampilan dari AutoCAD 2013 lebih menarik dan lebih lengkap.

1. Menu Aplikasi (Application Menu)
Pada menu ini memiliki fasilitas seperti: 
  • New : Untuk membuat lembar kerja baru
  • Open : Membuka file yang telah disimpan
  • Save : Menyimpan file
  • Save As : Menyimpan dengan file baru
  • Export : Menyimpan dalam bentuk format file yang lain
  • Publish : Untuk mengpublikasaikan file
  • Print : Mencetak hasil kerja
  • Drawing Utilities : Peralatan tambahan
  • Close : Menutup jendela kerja
2. (Quick Access Toolbar)

3. Baris Judul (Title Bar)

4. (Info Center)

5. (Windows Box)

6. (Ribbon)

7. (Crosshairs)

8. Area Gambar (Drawing Area)

9. Baris Perintah (Command Windows)

10. Baris Status (Status Bar)

Fitur AutoCAD 2013 Terbaru

Get Even More Features with AutoCAD Design Suite 2013

The AutoCAD Design Suite includes AutoCAD, plus powerful software tools that allow you to effectively re-use old paper-based drawings, develop conceptual sketches, and showcase your designs with impact. Take your work to the next level with these top features:

3D Free-Form Design Tools
You now have the power to design ideas in almost any form you can imagine. Simply push/pull faces, edges, and vertices to model complex shapes, add smooth surfaces, and much more.

Documentation Tools
AutoCAD delivers leading documentation tools built upon nearly 30 years of experience. Import models from a wide variety of other formats and automatically generate intelligent documentation.

Scanned Drawing Capture
Capture design information from scanned drawings and raster images, and clean them up using the despeckle tool.

Raster-to-Vector Conversion
Interactively convert your design information into AutoCAD DWG vector objects. Convert an image from non-bitonal to bitonal image, create relevant polylines, and even converts letter to AutoCAD text.

3D Rendering
Transform AutoCAD models into amazing 3D renderings. Share them live with an audience or publish them for remote access on mobile devices or the web.

Cinematic-Quality Presentations
Create cinematic-quality rendered animations. Simulate lighting analyses while modifying the visual settings and environment in real time.

Conceptual Design Sketching
Create conceptual design sketches for AutoCAD using your freehand drawings.

Autodesk 360 Connectivity
New tools to connect with Autodesk 360 help you synchronize your files and custom settings directly from within AutoCAD® software.

Autodesk Exchange Apps
Easily extend the power of AutoCAD software using AutoCAD companion apps. Getting the add-ins you need has never been easier.

Modern User Interaction
The AutoCAD user interface has been enhanced to provide a more seamless interaction with the software. You’ll find a more flexible command line, additional contextual ribbon tabs, and more objects with multi-functional grips.